5 reasons why a cleaning role is a great option for you

By: Rachael, redwigwam
The Cleaning Sector is SO important. It always has been – but now we live in a COVID-19 world, the demand for cleaners is higher than ever, and at redwigwam, we are proud to welcome the launch of our very own Red Clean.
Red Clean is a new AI-powered staffing solution that connects cleaning businesses to you, our Wigwammers! We have really embraced the demand for cleaners, and we’re super excited that Red Clean is now live, with clients looking for Wigwammers and people like you, interested in the cleaning sector.
Never been a cleaner before? Don’t worry – we have you covered. We have proudly created our very own E-Learning cleaning course you can take before going to your very first shift!
Still need convincing? Please read our 5 reasons below on why we think a cleaning role is a great option for you.
1 – Flexibility
Cleaning is the perfect role if you want to find the right work/life balance. The typical 9-5 isn’t for everyone, and you’ll find that most cleaning companies offer great flexibility around your other commitments.
2 – Regular Income
Cleaners have always been important, but now more than ever they have been given the credit they deserve. There will always be a demand for cleaners, it is such a vital, important job role. This means you will never be out of a job, being a cleaner is a key role!
3 – Increased Skillset
Cleaning is universal – everyone has to clean at some point in their life. On this job, you will be trained and will learn to clean to a professional standard. You will learn lots of cleaning hacks and will learn how to problem-solve and tackle new situations.
You can take a lot from this role, both in your career, and personal life!
4 – Job Satisfaction & Recognition
Cleaning is hard work, but once it has all finished – you get to see your squeaky-clean masterpiece. There is nothing better than looking at all your hard work and seeing how happy your client is when they see their establishment nice and clean. Not only that, but you’re also saving lives! During COVID 19 cleaners across the country have cleaned touchpoints to perfection, to make sure staff and the public are safe and have less risk of catching COVID 19. That is an incredible task to have!
5 – Pride in What you Do
All job roles have a rewarding factor to them, but there is nothing better or more satisfying than tidying up a disorganised or dirty space. Cleaning is hard work, and it requires a skill not everyone has, so if you do it and love it – it’s something to be proud of!
If you like what you see and would love to know more about Red Clean and how to book a cleaning role, log onto your dashboard and check out our E-learning course!
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