6 ways to deal with anxiety before an interview

Published on: Fri, 06 Dec 2019
By: Izzy, redwigwam

Having anxiety can feel like the most frustrating thing in the world. Especially when you have big plans that your anxious self-conscious wants to destroy.  It can create problems when it comes to socialising, meeting new people, and as if couldn’t get any worse – it can stop you getting your dream job.

So to help beat interview anxiety, we've pulled together 6 top tips to help deal with anxiety and beat those self-destructive thoughts before an interview.

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Tip 1: Remember your worth

You are there for a reason. They loved the CV you sent which means you obviously have the right qualifications for the job, duh – stop being so hard on yourself. 

Tip 2: Do your research

This is one of the best things to help pre-anxiety nerves. If you know your stuff, there will be plenty to say and very few awkward silences!

It may help to pretend a friend is an employer and do a mock-interview. Compliment their company, tell them what you found out about them and even propose some new ideas. 

Tip 3: Become the interviewer

It’s a two-way street when it comes to interviews. They may be looking for the right candidate to fit them, but you are also looking for the right employer to suit you. Ask them questions. 

What’s the work culture like? Does every member of the team get a say?

If you like what they’re saying, the conversation should flow perfectly and if you don’t, well, the company probably isn’t for you anyway.


4. Stop over-thinking it

Remember, this isn’t about making you look silly, or for a laugh later in the office. I know what you’re thinking.

Did I smile at the receptionist? Did I smile at everyone when I walked in? I feel like I gave one person way more eye contact than the rest. 

Again, stop. The people in work aren’t thinking about whether you smiled at them or not. 

They’re at work.

Also, remember, they went through this process too. They know you’re nervous but then again, they probably aren’t even thinking about any of that, because little secret, they hadn’t noticed.

5. Do a trial run of your interview commute 

You don’t need anything that will make you feel any more anxious. Have a trial run a day or two before the interview – so that’s one less thing off your mind.

This will make you think purely on the interview itself, and not how or if you'll get there.

6. Congratulate yourself

It’s hard going to an interview without anxiety, so it is a whole new level of difficulty.

Whether the interview went well, or badly, remember you just being there is a step forward, and if you don’t get the job, you’re one rejection closer to the right one for you.

We also have this blog post - Ghosted after a good interview - which you may enjoy! 

Do you have any tips on how to deal with your anxiety before an interview? Let us know via our Facebook page. We'd love to hear from you. 

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