Fill out this form to find the staff you need

Atlas Hotels

To get started, we need a bit more information about the people you need by completing the form.

New job information

Once you've given us all the details, Kirk and the hospitality team will load the job onto our system and then come back to you with a full cost breakdown for the people you need.

You'll get the chance to check and amend your job description before we hit go and match your role to the thousands of flexible workers in our database. 

If you have any questions at all, you can book a time that suits for a quick chat with Kirk here

Ready to get started yourself?

These short videos have some useful information on how to post a job via the redwigwam portal, plus how to chat to workers, sign off timesheets and rate your workers. 

How to post a job from a template

How to post a job from a template

How to contact a worker directly

How to contact a worker

How to sign off timesheets & rate workers

How to sign off timesheets