Advertise your Manchester job vacancy for FREE

Immediate matches to our 3k plus community of workers in the Greater Manchester area.

  • Free to advertise your job
  • When the roll is filled, you pay the agreed hourly rate plus employment costs, and a small booking fee
  • Immediate access to our community of experienced workers
  • No long-term obligation to your business

We're confident we can fulfil your requirements for staff on a short-term or long-term basis.

We can offer the following staff:

  • Cleaning
  • Field Marketing
  • Hospitality & events
  • Office & admin
  • Retail
  • Warehousing & logistics
  • Care

Tell us who you need on the form and we'll get you set up and confirm the costs.

Not a hirer? Register here for flexible work.

Find your team at redwigwam

How much does it cost to hire staff with redwigwam?

This short video offers a quick overview of our charge out rates for hiring staff. 

  • Staff are paid hourly for the work they do
  • Our costs include all associated costs of hiring staff, plus a small booking fee
  • You only pay when your job is completed

Find retail staff

Instant access to a flexible workforce

A more flexible future

Case study - Wills Jennings, Burtons Biscuits

Case study

In conversation with Coca Cola