The future of flexible working in a post Covid world

By: Kayleigh, redwigwam
Now we’re over 2 years on from the start of the first lockdown, and we’re on the home stretch of the pandemic, we wanted to look at the lessons that have been learned and how flexible working has been pushed into the spotlight since 2020.
The pandemic has totally reshaped the way most of us view work. We’ve come to realise the idea work should be Monday-Friday, 9 to 5, is completely outdated, and flexibility is the way forward.
When the government told us it was safe to return to our workplaces, many people were very reluctant to do so.
There are many reasons for this. People have enjoyed spending more time at home and seeing more of their families.
Priorities changed.
People realised they could have the best of both worlds.
They could spend more time with their family and less time commuting. There was also much more time for other things – think yoga at lunchtime or washing hung on the line – the work life balance was so much better!
For some people being able to manage work around lifestyle is crucial. But equally, many people also feel it’s important to still have the option to work from the office (or another space).
And of course flexible working is about WAY more than working from home. It's not about doing your Monday-Friday, 9-5 job from home rather than from the office.
Flexible working is about making work work for you. That means choosing the jobs you want to do. The hours you want to work and when you want to do them. With the right mindset, ANY job can be flexible.
A good work-life balance is also vital for health and happiness.
The healthier and happier we are, the better, and more productive, we are at our jobs.
Everyone has their own individual version of what works for them and how they work best.
As a company who champions flexible working, our community often tell us how working for us benefits them and often other types of jobs are simply not an option.
Like Ellise who said: “I love redwigwam! Flexible working is a much-needed lifeline for single parents and carers like me. I’m sure these jobs fit a variety of other people in different circumstances too!”
Not only does flexible working mean some people who couldn’t work before are now able to work (for example care givers or people with health conditions), but people can also work around any other commitments. You control how much time you want to spend working and which hours you want to work.
This means you can effectively juggle your priorities.
The jobs we have at redwigwam can also be classed as part of the gig economy.
The gig-economy is a term used to describe workers who are paid on a job-by-job basis, instead of a regular set wage. It sometimes gets a bad reputation for zero hours contracts and terrible conditions, but when workers are treated fairly (and at redwigwam, we believe that means treating them in the same way as someone who is on a permanent contract) it can be hugely beneficial for employers and employees alike due to the high levels of flexibility it offers.
It’s estimated that approximately 5 million people in the UK are part of the gig economy. Jobs they do include food delivery, drivers, mystery shoppers, cleaners, caregivers, and hospitality workers.
Gig jobs can also include jobs that involve using a specific skillset that an individual may have, such as plumbing or tutoring.
As well as the gig economy being very beneficial for people who want to work in this flexible way, it has also been highly important for businesses recovery during and beyond the pandemic.
The struggle to find staff has been apparent across all sectors over the last 2 years.
(Of course Brexit has had an impact here, along with the Covid pandemic).
But one sector which has struggled more than most is hospitality. They’ve been faced with managing different restrictions in opening and operation and lost a large proportion of their flexible workforce in the wake of Brexit. Now increased, but unpredictable demand and many other available jobs mean the struggle to find staff is ongoing.
This is where redwigwam comes in. We are here to provide businesses with the staff they need, exactly when they need them. They can flex staffing levels up and down on demand, only paying for who they need – which is essential to the bottom line in a period of recovery.
More than 10,000 pubs, bars, restaurants, and other hospitality venues were forced to permanently close due to the pandemic.
Using redwigwam is a simple solution to staffing issues.
If you could do with some extra money to help out with the rising cost of living – or are looking for a more flexible way to work, join us!
You choose the jobs and shifts that suit you and you work at a time that’s best for you. It’s easy to fit in extra work around an existing job or around your other commitments. And we’ll even pay you for referring a friend to us.
There are loads of ways you can earn with redwigwam!