redwigwam's 6 Top Tips to Survive the Wait Until January Pay Day

Published on: Mon, 10 Jan 2022
By: Rachael, redwigwam

We’re in what feels like January 100th, 2022, and most of us can’t wait for pay day. If you were paid before Christmas, which now feels like a lifetime ago, you may be struggling for cash, – or struggling to budget the spends you have left without reaching into your savings account.

But don’t fear, we can help. There's plenty of ways you can cut back on spending this month, or even earn a little more money to keep you going. We’ve listed some things you can do this January to either save or earn money.

Looking to earn some extra cash this January?

Whether you're looking for a career change, or an income topper, we're here to help now and throughout 2022.

Try 'Dry January'

This tip is good for your health & your bank account. It’s a win-win. A lot of people in the UK will be taking part in Dry Jan after a Christmas filled with booze. So, why not join them? There couldn’t be a better time to do it.

No takeaways! Cook in bulk

We know this one is hard - but try ditching the takeaways!

If you cook your meals in bulk, it means you can freeze leftovers and use them for the next day. You'll save money and you can spend more time with your family in the kitchen!

Sell any unwanted items 

New year, new you!

Remove any unwanted clutter from your home. This could be anything from clothes, old toys your kids don't play with anymore or any old game consoles.

There are lots of apps now that don't even charge a fee if your item is sold! Perfect to earn some extra cash.

Set a limit on unnecessary spending

It's so tempting to have a nose in the January sales, or go shopping online and use the likes of ClearPay and Klarna to split the costs.

But try to limit this as much as you can.

Avoid the sales when possible, and set spending limits on any apps you use such as Klarna. You can do that by going into the app, clicking on 'money' at the bottom right of your app, and then (next to monthly budget) click 'set'. 

If you don't use any apps for your purchases, set yourself a limit or check in with your bank to see if you can set one on your debit/credit cards. If you find you desperately want something, take up eBays tagline of 'buy a thing, sell a thing', so you're always creating space for the item & you're getting some money back. 

It's also a great idea to use the '30 day rule' where you wait 30 days for none-essesntial purchases - then you know if you REALLY want it or not. More on that in this blog: Money Saving Tips for the Winter Months

Keep an eye on all your subscriptions

Do you really need to spend a tenner on the Instagram unfollow app?

A lot of us sign up to too many subscriptions, most of them we don’t even use. Even though it may at the time only feel like £3.99 here and there, it all adds up!

Have a look at what you're subscribed to, and remove any subscriptions you don't really need.

Try redwigwam!

We are a flexible-working employer that can provide flexible work in your area, with just the touch of a button!

Better yet, our Wigwammers (that's what we call our community of workers) no longer fear the long wait to January pay day.

Here at redwigwam, you can pick DAILY pay.

Work today, get paid the next!

The best thing about it? You're the boss. You pick and choose what work you want, and don't want to do. 

Whether you're looking to try something new, or you need to top up your income, sign up now and check out the jobs in your area! Get started here.

We hope this blog post has helped you this January & we wish you a great year ahead!

Looking to earn some extra cash this January?

Whether you're looking for a career change, or an income topper, we're here to help now and throughout 2022.